Sunday, March 8, 2015

Getting Started

I want to state that I am no writer and don't expect to be great with words. I want this to be a place where i can share my experiences both good and bad. Some related to medical problems and others just everyday life. I will try not to mention names as I don't just yet want my identity or that of the people in my life open to the public.

I am a 25 years old female that has finally just last month moved out of my parents house. So I have no clue how to start this so lets start somewhere at the beginning. I am the youngest of three and the only girl.

Most of my childhood was spent moving from one place to another. I have no clue of how many elementary schools I've actually been to. I don't actually remember most of my child, a lot is all blacked out. I can remember about four of them but am sure there were more. As a child there was some violence in the home, but no physical violence. My mom had left my dad one day while he was at work when i was very young and had gotten back together by the time i was 7 or 8.

We all have gotten into fights with our siblings at one point or another, but my eldest brother was always starting fights with us. So lets see how i can tell these two apart for you without giving their names. The Eldest is 28 and the middle child is 26. So lets just say brother 1 and 2. lol. I get along and have gotten along with brother (2) most of my life. He and I have always been close seeing as we're only 1 year and a week apart. Brother 1...... I still don't get along with him, no one in the family really does. Growing up being called a bitch, whore, slut, etc. from your brother sucks, so I've never cared much about him.

I somewhat remember as a child my brother (2) and i would take a shortcut to the park. In doing so we climbed over a fence that was a little jagged on one part of the top. If you have any imagination you can guess i got hurt. Part of the fence went into my leg and yes i still have the scare. No i don't remember if i went to the hospital or got stitches. I remember my brother (2) climbing back up and helping me remove the fence from my leg. From there he helped me into the bed of our fathers truck.

Most of my memories are like a movie, there's a scene here and there then it cuts black and you fast forward.

Today I'm happy with where i am in life! Im living with the man i love and making plans for the future!!

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