Sunday, March 8, 2015

Middle School

Middle school.....dun dun dun......I hated middle school, down right despised it. I went to two middle schools. Hated both. At both schools i had a bully, that one girl that just had to pick on someone. At my first middle school the girl was retched!!! She picked on me everyday through 6th and part of 7th grade. I later ran into her when i was in high school bc we ended up working at the same place. It had been my second year there and her first. I had come to learn she decided that the first person she saw would be the person she would pick on throughout school there. Wtf is wrong with people??? She had asked for forgiveness but I couldn't bring myself to do so. She was always late for work and hungover, we were only 16 at the time. And she was still rude as fuck, still sitting there making fun of me behind my back. I was glad when i had moved back in middle school and got to start all over again. Because when at that school I was quiet and didn't really have any friends.

In the second middle school I was welcomed for a very short period of time. Finishing seventh grade there was relaxing, but come eighth grade things started going down hill. It started off pretty well, two my my old friends from the prior middle school moved to the area and were starting at the same school as me. Yay, you would think. One of the girls had some of her own problems and took them out on others unknowingly. The other one had considered the first a best friend but after some time couldn't take her crap anymore. She came in one morning to school, both she and i worked in the library helping out and getting our student service hours, she had told me she was done with all the drama. Well girl number one decided it must have been my fault so i was blamed and middle school became a nightmare all over again. 

I was beginning to be accused of hacking peoples aim accounts and other social media of the time. Really like i truly care about other peoples crap!! Plus how was I to know their passwords??? really??? I mean come on thanks for the credit though! I'm ok with computers and technology but hacking and all that hi-tech shit, nope!!! After some time i could no longer ride the school bus because of threats. I had tried to walk home at first but then came the chicks trying to jump me, never happened but close too. 

Bullying happened people and its not fun whatsoever!!!!!!!!! I want you all to know that you're not alone, if anyone needs someone they can talk to please feel free to contact me!!! Let someone know, tell your parents, teachers, any adult you can!!!!! Never think its ok for others to say or do things that make you feel horrible about yourself. Everyone is beautiful in one way or another. Just because someone is smoking hot on the outside doesn't mean they're beautiful if their personality sucks. Beauty is on the inside just as much as its on the outside!!! Always be true to oneself!

No one is truly alone, never give up!

Reachout - a source where you can also get the help you may need

Even though things kept happening i managed to find two good friends that got me through it all!!!

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